What is Alma?
Alma is an evidence-based peer mentoring program created with and for new moms who are experiencing depression, anxiety, and stress. Developed by a collaborative team of researchers, mental health providers, community members, and parents, Alma gives new and expectant moms the support and skills they need to navigate this new chapter in their life. Watch a video below to learn more!


How it works
Peer Mentoring
The heart of the Alma program is our team of peer mentors: moms who have experienced depression or anxiety themselves and receive training to support other moms facing similar challenges.
Alma Skills
These peer mentors have had success in their own lives using the Alma skills, which are inspired by an approach called behavioral activation. The essence of these skills is that you can change how you feel by changing what you do.
Alma is not therapy or mental health treatment; it’s about empowering parents to apply simple, science-backed skills to help stop the downward spiral of depression.
The stories that inspire us
“My depression was a very difficult time. I would’ve liked to have had support. That’s why I believe in the Alma program – because I am a mother who might help other mothers.”

Alma Mentor
"When you’re feeling alone and feel like you don’t have anybody there to understand you, all you need is one hand to help you up...
and Alma is that hand.”

Alma Mentor